Browse Items (20 total)

This poster analyzed implementing social security tax in Hong Kong, which contains three parts. First, they reviewed the definition of social harmony and current social problems in Hong Kong. Second, analyzed the impact of micro-level and…

Longevity watch.pdf
1. DNA Analysis (Gene Sequencing)
2. Nutrition needs (Grocery shopping)
3. Meal time alarm

This poster shows the output of the group project about Medical Abortion.

CCST9046_02_Men and Women under Stress Kitty Lau 3035435785.pdf
The poster described differences between men and women when they are under stress.

This poster reviewed organ donation policy. At first, the introduce the current situation of organ donation and discussed the reason why would people donate organs. And then, they raised two questions, “Is donation card useful?” and “What can…

The student poster analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Plastic.

Poster of students’ poems.jpg
The poster showed on Student Learning Festival introduces 5 students' poem, including 《凍奶茶》(Ice Milk Tea), 《雨》(Rain), 《他》(He), 《餘音》(lingering music), and Falling Leaves.

This poster shows the output of the group project about Mobile Payments.

CCST9046_03_stress and memory Tang Zixuan and Wang Ke.pdf
This poster displays how stress infuences memory consolidation, mainly about nervous-endocnne interaction Adrenaline and Cortisol.

This poster shows the output of the group project concerning the Surveillance Technology.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-json, omeka-xml, rss2