Professor Cecilia Lai-wan ChanProfessor Emeritus
Department of Social Work and Social Administration

Professor Chan is a world leader in health and social work. She is editor and author of over 30 books, author of over 300 articles and book chapters in health and mental health in social work, eastern integrative empowerment intervention and outcome research, health, mental health and integrative social work. She advocated for a strength-oriented empowerment approach in working with traumatized individuals such as cancer patients, women of divorce, persons in end-of-life or bereavement. Her focus is on transformation through pain and suffering. She adopted vigorous bio-psycho-social outcome indicators in her randomized trials on measuring impact of her innovative Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (I-BMS) interventions on different population groups. She leads the first multi-disciplinary team using physiological impact (cortisol, telomerase) as outcome of psychosocial interventions in Hong Kong. Her creative synergy of Chinese philosophies and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices into holistic behavioral health intervention is ground breaking. Her meaning-making empowerment strategies effectively nurture spirituality of forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude, peace, hope, resilience and optimism, which are fundamental to building a harmonious society. Her leadership in health and social work is also recognized by her many international awards and recognitions. She has graduated over 50 research postgraduate students, many of them has taken up leadership positions in prestigious universities.

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