Browse Items (133 total)

Group 18_item image.jpg
Group Project of Group 18 in CCCH9051 (Semester 1, 2018-19)

Group 19_item image.jpg
Group Project of Group 19 in CCCH9051 (Semester 1, 2018-19)

Group 28_item image.jpg
Group Project of Group 28 in CCCH9051 (Semester 1, 2018-19)

Group 40_item image.jpg
Group Project of Group 40 in CCCH9051 (Semester 1, 2018-19)

Group 7_item image.jpg
Group Project of Group 7 in CCCH9051 (Semester 2, 2017-18)

CCCH9051_04_Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.mp4
A short video made by an undergraduate student about the historical significance of the Court of Final Appeal Building in Hong Kong in the past, present and future. The video also explores the current preservation context of the building both in…

This poster is about a project of what students would do if they are given 10 million dollars.

CCCH9027_01_Assimilation of Mongols.pdf
The poster contains three parts: To what extent is the autonomy of the Mongol community affected; Does economic development contribute to assimilating Mongolian people; and Does education promote cultural assimilation to Mongol people?

CCCH9027_04_Chinese government and Mongolians.pdf
The poster contains four parts: What is the history and basis of establishment of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region; What are the similarities and differences between The Republic of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia in terms of their provision of…

This poster shows the output of the group project about Human Cloning.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-json, omeka-xml, rss2