Advanced Search (Items only)
The aim of this AoI is to enhance the interest and intellectual ability of students in understanding China from past to present and from different…
View the items in AoI-China: Culture, State and Society
The aim of this AoI is to enable students to think globally and live as informed and active members of a global community.
View the items in AoI-Global Issues
The aim of this AoI is to enable students to appreciate how intellectual, moral, material, aesthetic and spiritual aspects of human existence have…
View the items in AoI-Arts & Humanities
The aim of raising students’ levels of scientific and technological literacy is to enable them to engage critically with knowledge and discourse on…
View the items in AoI-Scientific and Technological Literacy
This course offers a highly entertaining introduction to this interactive dynamics between TECHNOLOGY, society, and culture, situating present-day…
View the items in CCGL9051-Technology, Culture and Power in a Globalized Age
Few countries in the world have a total population that exceeds the 110 million ethnic minorities in China. What does this mean for China’s rise in…
View the items in CCCH9027-China's Ethnic Groups: Assimilation or Cultural Pluralism?
In this course, students will delve into cutting edge issues in the science of the mind-body-health relationship and analyze how communication occurs…
View the items in CCST9046-The Science of the Mind-body-health Relationship
In this course, we will explore the intersection between science, technology, ageing and longevity. Reviewing how modern medicine and science have…
View the items in CCST9060- Exploring Human Longevity
The aim of this course is for students to gain greater insight into the multi-dimensional aspects of health and to develop a more holistic and…
View the items in CCHU9019-From Health to Well-being
This course introduces students to fundamental social and political issues at different periods in Chinese history through the primary source of…
View the items in CCCH9043-Chinese Poetry as Social Critique