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Chinese Kites 風箏
These kites are delicately made of paper and bamboo have numerous shapes such as swallow, centipede, butterfly etc. Regarded as an artistic marvel, the kite makers' skills in both painting and in the design of the kites' flexible flying movement are…
Tags: Zhou Dynasty
Chinese Jade 翡翠
Jade crafting were among the most precious and luxurious ones, with a history of four thousand years. Jade symbolizes merit, grace and dignity and occupies a special position in people's consciousness. It is used both to decorate rooms, and as…
Tags: Qing Dynasty
Chinese Folding Fan 紙扇
Handheld fan, or simply hand fan, may be any broad, flat surface that is waved back-and-forth to create an airflow. Generally, purpose-made handheld fans are folding fans, which are shaped like a sector of a circle.
Chinese Embroidery 刺繡
Embroidery in this period symbolized social status. The patterns covered a larger range, from sun, moon, stars, mountains, dragons, and phoenix to tiger, flower and grass, clouds and geometric patterns. It is originated in the Zhou Dynasty (1027 –…
Tags: Zhou Dynasty
Chinese Compass 指南針
The compass was invented more than 2000 years ago. The Ancient Chinese compass was made from iron oxide, a mineral ore. Iron oxide is also known as lodestone and magneta.
Tags: Han Dynasty
Chinese Calligraphy 書法
Chinese Calligraphy is a traditional form of writing characters from the Chinese language through the use of ink and a brush. It is a tradition that is rooted in China through centuries of practice. It is an art of turning Chinese characters into…
Tags: Han Dynasty
China Seals 印章
A Chinese seal (印章 yìnzhāng) is a seal or stamp used to mark important documents, pieces of art, contracts, or any other item that requires a signature.
Tags: Qin Dynasty
Celadon 青瓷
Celadon was a type of pottery finished off with a pale grayish-green glaze. To give off this effect, the ceramic would be applied with liquified clay rich in iron before being heated up. The iron in the clay would oxidize to unravel its distinct…
Tags: Shang Dynasty
Bronze Vessels 青銅器皿
Bronze Age began around 2000 B.C, Shang and Zhou dynasties. Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, were used to fashion weapons, parts of chariots and ritual vessels. Chinese bronzes are central to Chinese civilization. The ability to manipulate metal…
Tags: Shang Dynasty