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Heritage Trails in Hong Kong
Heritage trails are walking trails and driving routes in urban and rural settings that are identified in most cases by signage and guidebooks as relating to cultural heritage.The heritage might be built, or it can also be cultural heritage narrative. In most cases, it is in the public space.
In many countries heritage trails are self guided. However, for the interpretation of features and items of historical note, tour guides are required.
Several heritage trails have been designed in Hong Kong:
Three major heritage Trails designed by the Antiquities and Monuments Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department:
[1]Ping Shan Heritage Trail, in Yuen Long District
[2]Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail
[3]Central and Western Heritage Trail.
Other trails include:
Dr Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail, in Central and Western District.
Hong Kong Boulder Trackways
St Stephen's College Heritage Trail
Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail
Wan Chai Heritage Trail
Military history trails
Pinewood Battery Heritage Trail, within the Lung Fu Shan Country Park
Shing Mun War Relics Trail
Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail