Browse Catalogue (4 total)

Other historical sites in Hong Kong

Historical sites in Hong Kong ranging from WWII relics and elegant Victorian architecture to walled villages and pirate caves.

Contributors: N.G

Central and Western Heritage Trail

The Antiquities and Monuments Office has set up a heritage trail in the Central and Western District that links together the historic buildings and…

Contributors: The HKSAR Government

Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail

The Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail (the Trail) is the second of its kind established in the New Territories by the government. Inaugurated on 4 December…

Contributors: The HKSAR Government

Ping Shan Heritage Trail

The first of its kind in Hong Kong, the Ping Shan Heritage Trail was inaugurated on 12 December 1993. Stretching about 1.6 km in length, the Trail…

Contributors: The HKSAR Government