Tang Dynasty
Crafts and Domestic Trade, like silk, paper, and porcelain were manufactured during the Tang dynasty. The Chinese were known for the high quality of their manufactured goods. Craft guilds appeared in many towns where craftsmen were concentrated. As a result of this industrial development, domestic trade increased. Improved transportation, as well as a new postal system that connected the capital with the outlying districts, also stimulated domestic trade.

Blue and White Porcelain 青花瓷
Blue and white porcelain is pottery with a white base and treated with a vibrant blue glaze.

The erhu is a bowed spike-lute chordophone of the Han Chinese (‘er’ means two; ‘hu’ originally meant ‘barbarian,’ but now ‘fiddle’).

Opera Mask 面譜
The Chinese opera is one of the oldest known dramatic art forms worldwide. However, it is evident that most audience or spectators are more fascinated with the Opera masks normally used in every opera performance.

Chinese Knotting 中國結
Around the times of Chinese new year festival, Chinese knot decorations can be seen hanging on walls, doors of homes and as shop decorations to add some festival feel. Usually, these decorations are in red color, which traditional Chinese regards it as a color of "luck".