Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty inventions were the the greatest inventions, not just in Chinese, but across the globe. The Hans invented many things including the magnetic compasses, As well as mathematical breakthroughs, new traditions and rituals, and advancements in medicine.

Chinese Compass 指南針
The compass was invented more than 2000 years ago. It was used for navigation and fortune-telling.

Chinese Calligraphy 書法
Chinese Calligraphy is a traditional form of writing characters from the Chinese language through the use of ink and a brush. It is a tradition that is rooted in China through centuries of practice. It is an art of turning Chinese characters into images through pressure and speed variations of the pointed Chinese brush.

Marionette Puppetry 木偶
Chinese Marionette Puppets are played as stage performances. The puppet can perform intricate movements including holding a brush, grinding an ink stick, and writing Chinese characters on paper.

Dizi 笛子
In various forms it is used today in many regional and national forms of Chinese music for solo, small ensemble, and orchestra performance.

Cuju 蹴鞠
Cuju was not only the recreational activity of the general public, but also an important means of military training.

Imperial Guardian Lion 石獅子
Supposed to have mystic protective powers, it can be found as an architectural ornament in front of such places as temples, imperial palaces, government offices or in front of homes of high ranking members of society indicating their financial and/ or social status.

Paper-Cuttings 剪紙
People paste paper-cuttings onto their windows and other places to express their hopes and wishes.

Ink Slab 硯
Ink slabs originated from the grinding implements used in primitive Chinese society to grind pigment on stone. There is a lot of archeological evidence to show that ancient Chinese used ink slabs for grinding ink. Ink slabs were widely used as writing utensils.

Pipa 琵琶
Historically, it was at times used as a tool of self-refinement by members of the scholar-literati class and in the solo and ensemble music making of imperial households. But it has also been an instrument of the common people and used for the accompaniment of narrative songs and regional opera, and in amateur instrumental ensembles in many regions of China.