Metadata Policy
Dublin Core
Dublin Core Definition: A name given to the resource
Dublin Core Comment: Typically, a Title will be a name by which the resource is formally known.
Mandatory: Yes
Repeatable: No
Local comment:
- The name of the Cantonese opera collection can be an informal one that is commonly referred to.
Input Guidelines:
- Capitalize initial of the first word and every proper noun. (e.g. name of famous actor)
- Follow with Chinese name when necessary.
2. Subject
Dublin Core Definition: The topic of the resource
Dublin Core Comment: Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.
Mandatory: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment:
- Briefly mention the nature of the item
Input Guidelines:
- Use comma to split elements when necessary
- Use small letter for all words except proper nouns
3. Description
Dublin Core Definition: An account of the resource
Dublin Core Comment: Description may include to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Mandatory: Yes
Repeatable: No
Local comment:
- The description is a free-text account of the Cantonese Opera collection.
Input Guidelines:
- Input full sentences only.
4. Type
Dublin Core Definition: The nature or genre of the resource
Dublin Core Comment: Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCMITYPE]. To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element.
Mandatory: Yes
Repeatable: No
Local comment:
- The original medium of the resource
Input Guidelines:
- Use controlled vocabulary included: Physical object, person, music instruments, role of performance, character
5. Audience
Dublin Core Definition: A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.
Dublin Core Comment: Typically, the audience refers to a group of people who will make use of the item.
Mandatory: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment:
- Different group of people who will use the gallery.
Input Guidelines:
- Use controlled vocabulary included: Cultural tourists, government, locals, NGOs for tangible cultural heritage protection
- Use new column to split elements when necessary, without comma
6. Relation
Dublin Core Definition: A related resource
Dublin Core Comment: Recommended best practice is to identify the related resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
Mandatory: No
Repeatable: No
Local comment:
- It should display the name of closely related to the one being described.
Input Guidelines: NA
7. Identifier
Dublin Core Definition: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Dublin Core Comment: Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
Mandatory: No
Repeatable: No
Local comment:
- It should contain the information regarding its name.
Input Guidelines:
- Input all small letters of its name, using underline to replace the space. (e.g. yam_kim_fai)
8. Right
Definition: Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Local comment: Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights.
Mandatory: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Local Comment:
- It should display visitors’ rules and regulations regarding this historic building.
Input Guidelines:
- Input phrases rather than complete sentences.
Dublin Core Definition: A point or period of time associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource.
Dublin Core Comment: Date may be used to express temporal information at any level of granularity. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF].
Mandatory: No
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment:
- It should display the birth date and death date of famous Cantonese Opera actor.
Input Guidelines:
- Input date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD for complete date; YYYY-MM for building with year and month only; YYYY for building with year only
- Input “n.d.” if date is unknown
Item type metadata
1. Feature
Definition: Characteristic and the purpose of the object
Local comment: Any characteristics or traits that describe the meaning of item
Mandatory: No
Local comment: NA
Input Guidelines:
- The input format should be described the characteristic of an item in a more detailed and segmented way.
2. Users
Definition: Who use this type of object
Mandatory: No
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment:
- It focuses on who will use this item to perform.
Input Guidelines:
- Input format should be a “person”
3. Gender
Definition: The physical social condition of being male or female
Mandatory: No
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment: NA
Input Guidelines:
- Could only input ‘ Female’ or “Male”
4. Birthplace
Definition: The place where a person was born.
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment:
- It could also consider as the descent of the individual
Input Guidelines:
- Input format should be ‘ District, province ’
5. Famous Performance
Definition: The well-known drama that the individual participates in
Mandatory: NO
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment:
- Provide some examples of the performance.
- The Chinese name of the drama can be provided for better understanding.
Input Guidelines:
Input format:
- ‘ English name(Chinese name) ’
6. Achievement
Definition: Something that has been achieved successfully
Mandatory: NO
Repeatable: Yes
Local comment:
- It may focus on the practice that benefits the development of Cantonese opera and the individual‘s received honor.
Input Guidelines:
- The input format could be standardized by talking about the grateful development first.
- Then move to introduce the individual’s award and the format can be ‘ Date : Name of the award’