Enrollment requirements

All HKU students and staff with HKU Portal account

About This Course

The University of Hong Kong takes pride in its academic excellence and its outstanding students. In your academic journey, honesty is the foundation of your pursuit of knowledge. Whether in classrooms, laboratories, field sites, studios, or online, you as students are expected to conduct yourselves honestly and with integrity. One of your key responsibilities is to ensure that you properly credit the materials you use to develop your ideas and academic work. So, cite properly and avoid plagiarism. This is central to the value of academic honesty. In this course, you will learn:

  1. What is plagiarism
  2. Why need to cite
  3. When to cite
  4. How to cite properly
  5. Citation styles
  6. Citation tools available to you
  7. What is Turnitin

Steps to Register the Course 

  1. Go to https://learning.hku.hk/catalog/course/ilt01/
  2. Click “Go to Course”
  3. Log in the system with your HKU PORTAL account
  4. Click “Enroll in Library”
  5. Check if the message “You are enrolled in this course” appears
  6. Click “View Courseware” to access the course materials

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Content Issues – HKU Libraries

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