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Welcome to Chinese Tea Gallery!

"Admire tea · taste tea"


Chinese tea gallery is a digital gallery that related to Chinese tea leaves which open to all general public, beginners of Chinese tea as well as enthusiasts of Chinese tea. In the gallery, both 6 types of and by-products of Chinese tea leaves would be exhibited and classified. Also, knowledge related to tea leaves would be provided.

The aim of this gallery is to document and promote traditional Chinese tea culture which focuses on tea leaves. Hence, we wish that the gallery can provide some insights to the general public, Chinese tea beginners and lovers for admiring tea leaves and trying to taste tea leaves in different ways. Hence, it can assist to promote the traditional Chinese tea culture in a traditional and modern way which is our final goal.

Chinese tea leaves are tangible cultural heritages which carry a long, complicated and robust Chinese culture. Chinese tea has first appeared during the Shang dynasty and treated as a medicinal drink in that decade (Heiss & Heiss, 2007). Along with the change of time, the use of Chinese tea become universal in China like welcoming guests, gathering, apology, showing gratitude as well as celebrating weddings. Also, Chinese tea has been traded for over 150 years which has been sold since 1840 (Hong Kong Museum of Tea Ware, n.d.).