Buildings in Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market
Within the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market, there are lots of blocks of fruit shops which in Cantonese, is called "Laan". These "Laan"s have a long history to talk about. They are all low rise buildings. Surrounded by all of those skyscrapers, they are unique though also caused lots of social argument. However, they are still functioning as a place to sell fruits. These "Laan”s all have various signboards with traditional Chinese characters on them. These signboards all have aesthetic and historical value. One street, the Shek Lung Street, witnesses the hardworking labours transporting fruits every night, while other people are in a sweet dream.
Follow our steps, looking through these historic buildings in the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market, let us see how life could be different.
油麻地果欄中有很多名叫“欄”的建築群,這些“欄”中運營著很多大大小小的水果店鋪。“欄”的歷史很悠久,它是香港現代化進程的對比物之一,在周圍重重高樓的包圍下,多爲一層建築的矮小的“欄”顯得十分獨特。雖然“欄”建築引起了很多關於土地利用,噪音,食品健康等等社會問題的爭論,它們仍然作爲油麻地水果市場中獨特的存在被使用著。“欄”中有大大小小的牌匾,這些牌匾大多歷史悠久,上面用繁體中文書寫或雕刻著“欄”的名稱。這些牌匾有極高的歷史和書法審美價值。石龍街這條街跨越多個果欄, 見證了午夜時分搬運工人數不清的辛苦勞作。在大多數人早已進入夢鄉的凌晨時分,他們要去進口最新鮮的水果。