Browse Items (13 total) Tags: Zone B Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items of 2 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (Artistic Drawing) The drawing displays one famous part of the park- the central fountain, the greenery and the nearby buildings. Tags: Artistic Drawing, Color, Sketch, Zone B Flagstaff House (Artistic Drawing) It is a colorful drawing of Flagstaff House. It shows the scene of Flagstaff House being a residence. Tags: Artistic Drawing, Color, Zone B Rawlinson House (Artistic Drawing) A drawing shows the front door and its surrounding of Rawlinson House. Tags: Artistic Drawing, Black and white, Sketch, Zone B Office of Former Chief Executives of the HKSAR (Artistic Drawing) The view of Office of Former Chief Executives of the HKSAR is now blocked by a giant tree. In this drawing, the original look of the building is shown. Tags: Artistic Drawing, Black and white, Zone B Rawlinson House (Old Version) It was for residential use when this photo was taken. It was a comfortable environment for resting. Tags: Old Version, Photo, Zone B Cassels Block (Old Version) This photo was taken around 80 years ago. Cassels Block is the stair-liked building in the photo, it is clear that its appearance has been kept well until now. Tags: Old Version, Photo, Zone B Flagstaff House (Old Version) It displays how the Flagstaff House looked in the old days. It was taken in the year of establishment of Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens. Tags: Old Version, Photo, Zone B Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (Old Version) This photo shows how Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden looked before. The photo was taken on the year that it was first partially opened. Tags: Old Version, Photo, Zone B Rawlinson House It was served as the residence of married officers serving in Victoria Barracks in the early 20th century and it was turned into the residence of the Deputy Commander of British Forces in 1961. It has been used as a marriage registry since 1981. Tags: 1900s, Grade I historic building, Zone B Office of Former Chief Executives of the HKSAR This building has been converted its functions for three times. It was originally built as a school in classical Renaissance style in the early 20th century. Then it became the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group Office in the 1990s and later the Hong… Tags: 1900s, Grade I historic building, Zone B of 2 Next Page Featured Item No featured items are available.