Browse Items (7 total) Tags: 1900s Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Old Supreme Court of Final Appeal Located at 8 Jackson Road, Central, the construction of home of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong started in 1900 and finished in 1912. It was used as Supreme Court from 1912 to 1983 and the Legislative Council from 1985 to 2011. The building is… Tags: 1900s, Building, Declared monument, Zone A The Cenotaph (Hong Kong) The Cenotaph was constructed in 1923 and unveiled on 24 May. The purpose is to commemorate the dead of World War I, with the worlds "The Glorious Dead". The dates of 1939-1945 were added to honor victims of the World War II and Japan invasion. Tags: 1900s, Declared monument, Zone A Rawlinson House It was served as the residence of married officers serving in Victoria Barracks in the early 20th century and it was turned into the residence of the Deputy Commander of British Forces in 1961. It has been used as a marriage registry since 1981. Tags: 1900s, Grade I historic building, Zone B Office of Former Chief Executives of the HKSAR This building has been converted its functions for three times. It was originally built as a school in classical Renaissance style in the early 20th century. Then it became the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group Office in the 1990s and later the Hong… Tags: 1900s, Grade I historic building, Zone B Pedder Building Built in 1924, the none-storney building has long been the commercial architecture and is the only pre-world war building in Central district nowadays. The building is classified as the Grade 2 historic building. Now, retailer shops are open in the… Tags: 1900s, Building, Grade II Historic Building, Zone C St. Paul’s Church St. Paul’s Church was built in the early 20th century and was occupied by the Japanese soldiers when they are occupying Hong Kong in the past. The church is undergone different renovation project in 1934 and also in the early 1990s. It was also… Tags: 1900s, Building, Zone C Edinburgh Place Edinburgh Place is a public square in Central next to the Victoria Harbor. The site includes the Hong Kong City Hall and the Memorial gardens. Before 2007, the Edinburgh Place Ferry Pier and Queen's Pier were a part of it as well. Tags: 1900s, Square, Zone A Featured Item No featured items are available.