About Cultural Heritages
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) , cultural heritage is known as something tangible or intangible inherited from the older generations that has its own cultural values and traditions with no monetary interests in it, which can be a deep sense of connection towards the community and the expression of one’s identity towards the history and the future of the society.
Cultural Heritages can be divided into different types, including the tangible and intangible cultural heritages, which our digital galley focuses on the tangible cultural heritages at this stage. While under tangible cultural heritages, it also consisted of movable and immovable cultural heritages. Movable cultural heritages are noted as movable objects which are of archaeological, historical, artistic, scientific or technical value or interest (UNSECO, cited in Jokilehto, 2005). While immovable cultural heritages are categorized as Archaeological sites and monuments, Individual historic structures and buildings, Cultural landscapes and World Heritage sites/cities (UNESCO, cited in Worthing and Bond, 2008).
Cultural Heritages consists a lot of different values, some major values are as the followings:
• Aesthetic
• Historical
• Educational
• Recreational
• Artistic
• Social
• Commemorative
• Spiritual and religious
• Architectural
(Worthing & Bond, 2008)