Enrollment requirements

All HKU students and staffs with HKU Portal account

About This Module

If you have applied for the CRE organised by the HKSAR Government Civil Service Bureau and would like to get more practice or familiarized with the different types of question; you can now join our free online sample test – HKU CEDARS001 – designed to help students acquire the skills and better prepare for the examination.

Objectives and Coverage

This sample test covers the 3 papers of CRE.

  1. Aptitude Test
  2. Use of Chinese
  3. Use of English

It provides sample questions only, not the whole test paper and is intended to give our students an indication of the format and difficulty level of the examination and provide content for practice and review. Strategies on how to tackle the CRE are provided.


Steps to Register the Course

  1. Go to https://learning.hku.hk/courses/course-v1:HKU+CEDARS001+2020/about
  2. Click “Enroll in CEDARS001”
  3. Log in the system through your HKU PORTAL account
  4. Click “Enroll in CEDARS001”
  5. Check if the message “You are enrolled in this course” appears
  6. When the course is launched, the button “View Courseware” appears. You can then click the button to access the courseware.

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