Two key characteristics of EL need to be considered:
1. Student learning takes place in a wide range of contexts and the forms of experiences also vary substantially (Teaching and Learning Services, 2014).
2. The learning process (i.e., the ways in which students apply the theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom in practice, to resolve real-world problems) is as important as the learning outcome (i.e., what students have acquired from the experiences) (Cooper, Orrell & Bowden, 2010).
How and when to assess
EL activities usually lasts for at least two weeks of time and there are many good opportunities to have formative and summative assessments during the process. Figure 4.1 offers some suggestions based on an input-process-output model (Qualters, 2010).
Figure 4.1 Designing assessment according to the input-process-output model
A summary of the recommended assessment methods
Designing assessment rubrics
Designing rubrics often starts with asking the following three questions (adapted from Flinders University, 2017):
Other useful resources for assessment rubrics:
AACU Website
i.e. contains sixteen learning outcomes, for example, civic engagement, creative engagement, and critical thinking