What is Zhízhā?
Zhizha is a traditional craftsmanship originated from ancient China. Zhizha is generally perceived as a form of offering in festive celebrations and funerals. It is believed to be a substitute for living offerings in a sacrifice.
Why Zhízhā?
Zhizha is known to be mainly used in the creation of offerings in Chinese funerals. There might be a misconception about Zhizha itself. It is a traditional art that has been used since ancient China. Not only for funerals, Zhizha appears in daily crafting goods as well. By running this digital gallery, it is hoped that somehow the misconceptions can be cleared and help promote Zhizha as an iconic cultural heritage of Hong Kong that should never be forgotten.
Our Goal
This digital gallery provides information about some of the common Zhizha products that can be seen in Hong Kong. The collection of such products also act as an archive of this traditional crafting art that should be preserved.
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