CCCH9051 Group 20

Activity & Service

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Activity & Service


Activities and Services in Wong Tai Sin Temple


Worshipers bring incense sticks and offerings like chicken, roast pork and fruit to ask for good luck and spiritual advice. Most people seek advice on job matters, fortune and marriage. There are booths that offer face reading, palm reading and fortune-telling inside the temple. Every Chinese New Year many worshipers line up outside of the temple before midnight in order to be the first one who offers their incense stick to Wong Tai Sin. You can the see lion dance and fire dragon dance during the New Year.

Items in the Activity & Service Collection (5/5)


unknown Xia dynasty
Zi wei dou shu

Lu Chun Yang Tang Dynasty.
Chinese palm-reading

India and words Zhou Dynasty
Chinese face-reading

unknown Song dynasty
Kau Cim

unknown Jin Dynasty
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  • Activity & Service