bjlifestyle | BJ (搏盡) | Verb, 佢讀書好BJ。(She works very hard in studying.), "BJ" | lifestyle, attitude, hardworking |
Type:Verb, 佢讀書好BJ。(She works very hard in studying.), "BJ" Subject:lifestyle, attitude, hardworking |
Description:This is to describe an attitude of people who use his uttermost effort to do something, for example, in studying, in participating activities.
centenplace | Centen (香港大學百週年校園) | Noun, 我日日都喺Centen上堂。(I have lessons in Centennial Campus everyday.) | campus, HKU Centennial Campus |
Type:Noun, 我日日都喺Centen上堂。(I have lessons in Centennial Campus everyday.) Subject:campus, HKU Centennial Campus |
Description:It refers to the HKU Centennial Campus. The site was previously occupied by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) and now offers students and staff in HKU a dramatically enhanced environment to help fulfil the University's ambition to be among the very best in the world. [show more]
churlifestyle | Chur (緊迫) | Adjective, 今個sem好多assignment,好chur。(There are a lot of assignments in this semester, I feel so stressed.) | lifestyle, attitude, activities |
Type:Adjective, 今個sem好多assignment,好chur。(There are a lot of assignments in this semester, I feel so stressed.) Subject:lifestyle, attitude, activities |
Description:This is to describe something or someone requires a lot of hard work and need to do quickly which will make you feel stressed.
Currentcharacter | Current (current student) | Noun, 今日current搞左個活動。(Some current students organised an event today.), "Current" | character, universities, students |
Type:Noun, 今日current搞左個活動。(Some current students organised an event today.), "Current" Subject:character, universities, students |
Description:It is a noun that refers to a student who is year2 or above.
cymcanplace | CYM can (莊月明文娛中心飯堂) | Noun, CYM can 係最好食。(The food is the best in CYM canteen.) | canteen, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre |
Type:Noun, CYM can 係最好食。(The food is the best in CYM canteen.) Subject:canteen, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre |
Description:It refers to the Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant located at the 4/F of Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre.
FGcharacter | FG (Fresh graduate) | Noun, I am a fresh graduate who want to find a high-paying job., "fresh graduate " | character, graduate, undergraduate, students |
Type:Noun, I am a fresh graduate who want to find a high-paying job., "fresh graduate " Subject:character, graduate, undergraduate, students |
Description:It is a noun which refers to a person who has successfully completed the course of undergraduate study or the first academic degree.
FMcharacter | FM (Freshman) | Noun, 今年好多FM參加o camp。(Many Freshmen join the orientation camp this year.), "FM" | character, universities, students, newcomers |
Type:Noun, 今年好多FM參加o camp。(Many Freshmen join the orientation camp this year.), "FM" Subject:character, universities, students, newcomers |
Description:It is a noun which refers to a first year student at university.
Freeridercharacter | Freerider | Noun, 我個accounting project group有freeriders! (There are freeriders in the accounting group project!, "Freerider" | character, universities, students |
Type:Noun, 我個accounting project group有freeriders! (There are freeriders in the accounting group project!, "Freerider" Subject:character, universities, students |
Description:It is a noun to describe people who are benefited from the effort of others and receive the same marks in the assignment without paying any efforts.
GPAacademic | GPA (成績平均績點) | Noun, 我呢個sem GPA好低呀。( My GPA is low this semester.), "GPA" | academic, pass, result |
Type:Noun, 我呢個sem GPA好低呀。( My GPA is low this semester.), "GPA" Subject:academic, pass, result |
Description:It is the abbreviation of Grade Point Average. It is an average number by calculating the result of different courses in the semester. It has a scale from 0-4.3 which act as the standard of students' academic performace.
happyparkplace | Happy Park (開心公園) | Noun, 我地一齊去Happy Park睇Joint-U Mass Dance啦!(Let's watch Joint-U Mass Dance at Happy Park together.) | park, Sun Yat-sen Place HKU |
Type:Noun, 我地一齊去Happy Park睇Joint-U Mass Dance啦!(Let's watch Joint-U Mass Dance at Happy Park together.) Subject:park, Sun Yat-sen Place HKU |
Description:It refers to Sun Yat-sen Place, the largest outdoor area at the Main Campus. Commonly recognised as “Happy Park” among HKU students, it has been a popular venue for major academic, social and cultural activities, including the Joint-university Mass Dance and the annual graduation class photo shoot. [show more]