knowlesbridgeplace | Knowles 橋 (Knowles Bridge) | Noun, 你有無聽過Knowles橋鬼故啊?(Have you ever heard of the haunted tales about Knowles Bridge?), "kiu4" | bridge, Knowles Building |
Type:Noun, 你有無聽過Knowles橋鬼故啊?(Have you ever heard of the haunted tales about Knowles Bridge?), "kiu4" Subject:bridge, Knowles Building |
Description:It refers to the bridge located at the 6/F of the Knowles Building which connects the Old Library Building. There was a rumour that a student failed to get a pass in the graduation examination and failed to get higher marks from the professor, thus committing suicide at the Knowles Building. The head and the body of the corpse were separated terribly. Later, the cleaners failed to wipe away the blood and the government painted the bridge in red. [show more]
NDScharacter | NDS (mainland student) | Noun, 我project同NDS同組。( i am in the same group with mainland students for the project.), "NDS" | character, universities, students |
Type:Noun, 我project同NDS同組。( i am in the same group with mainland students for the project.), "NDS" Subject:character, universities, students |
Description:It is a noun which means that the student is come from mainland China.
rfriendlifestyle | R Friend (begging for friends) | Verb, 我唔想大學四年無朋友,一陣上堂R Friend先。( I don't want to have no friends in these 4 years university lives, so I am going to know friends randomly in class later. ), "R Friend"
| lifestyle, action, friends |
Type:Verb, 我唔想大學四年無朋友,一陣上堂R Friend先。( I don't want to have no friends in these 4 years university lives, so I am going to know friends randomly in class later. ), "R Friend"
Subject:lifestyle, action, friends |
Description:This is an action of begging for friends and to talk with people randomly in order to increase the number of friends.
ngaau1so1si2academic | r梳史 (begging for sources) | Verb, 我要搵師兄r梳史。( I need to find my senior begging for resources.), "ngaau1so1si2" | academic, pass, learning materials |
Type:Verb, 我要搵師兄r梳史。( I need to find my senior begging for resources.), "ngaau1so1si2" Subject:academic, pass, learning materials |
Description:It is the action of begging for sources and learning materials from other students, usually senior student.
sucanplace | SU can (香港大學學生會餐廳) | Noun, 聽人講SU can啲飯好伏。(I have heard others saying that the food in SU canteen is the worst.) | canteen, Union Restaurant, Haking Wong Building |
Type:Noun, 聽人講SU can啲飯好伏。(I have heard others saying that the food in SU canteen is the worst.) Subject:canteen, Union Restaurant, Haking Wong Building |
Description:It refers to the Union Restaurant located at the 4/F of Haking Wong Building.
swirecanplace | Swire can (方樹泉文娛中心餐廳) | Noun, Swire can啲飯都唔錯嘅。(The food in Swire Canteen is quite good.) | canteen, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre |
Type:Noun, Swire can啲飯都唔錯嘅。(The food in Swire Canteen is quite good.) Subject:canteen, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre |
Description:It refers to the Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant located at the 2/F of Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre.
soeng5zong1association | 上莊 (becoming the exco) | Verb, 我唔想上莊呀。 (I don't want to become exco.), "soeng5zong1" | association, inauguration ceremony |
Type:Verb, 我唔想上莊呀。 (I don't want to become exco.), "soeng5zong1" Subject:association, inauguration ceremony |
Description:It is the action of becoming the executive committee of an association. There are campaigns that are required to hold for becoming the committee. The proposed committee need to follow the constitutions of the Students' Union, faculty and society. An inauguration ceremony would be hold for officially becoming the exco. [show more]
soeng6zong1association | 上莊 (previous exco) | Noun, 啲上莊好仙。 (The previous cabinet of exco is so harsh.), "soeng6zong1" | exco, senior, cabinet, association |
Type:Noun, 啲上莊好仙。 (The previous cabinet of exco is so harsh.), "soeng6zong1" Subject:exco, senior, cabinet, association |
Description:It is the past cabinets or groups of committee for a specific association. They will teach the next cabinet on the affairs of the association and participate in the campaigns.
sin1lifestyle | 仙 (scold) | verb, 頭先我做錯野所以比人仙。( I did something wrong, so I was being scolded.) , "sin1" | lifestyle, attitude, senior |
Type:verb, 頭先我做錯野所以比人仙。( I did something wrong, so I was being scolded.) , "sin1" Subject:lifestyle, attitude, senior |
Description:This is an action of scolding people.
king1zong1association | 傾莊 (discuss duties) | Verb, 唉!今晚傾莊傾到11點 (Sigh! We discuss duties till 11pm tonight.), "king1zong1" | association, meetings, duties, activities |
Type:Verb, 唉!今晚傾莊傾到11點 (Sigh! We discuss duties till 11pm tonight.), "king1zong1" Subject:association, meetings, duties, activities |
Description:It is the action of discussing the duties in meetings. The process of organizing activities or promoting welfare will usually be talked about in the discussion.