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ging6gwo3academic勁過 (superpass)Verb, 祝你呢個sem勁過。(Wish you superpass this semester.), "ging6gwo3"academic, pass, superpass, learning attitude, active, hardworking, result
Type:Verb, 祝你呢個sem勁過。(Wish you superpass this semester.), "ging6gwo3"
Subject:academic, pass, superpass, learning attitude, active, hardworking, result
Description:It is the action of completing a thing excellently. In academic context, it means getting an excellent grade.
superpassbridgeplace勁過橋 (Superpass bridge)Noun, 考試之前一齊行勁過橋啦。(Let's go accross the superpass bridge before the examination.), "ging6gwo3kiu4"bridge, Chow Yei Ching Building, The Belcher's, HKU Centennial Campus
Type:Noun, 考試之前一齊行勁過橋啦。(Let's go accross the superpass bridge before the examination.), "ging6gwo3kiu4"
Subject:bridge, Chow Yei Ching Building, The Belcher's, HKU Centennial Campus
Description:It refers to the bridge originally connects Chow Yei Ching Building and The Belcher's, and now connects to the HKU Centennial Campus as well.
daai6sin1character大仙 (big senior)Noun, 我今年同個大仙同一間房。(I am living with a big senior this year.), "daai6sin1"character, universities, students, senior
Type:Noun, 我今年同個大仙同一間房。(I am living with a big senior this year.), "daai6sin1"
Subject:character, universities, students, senior
Description:It is a noun which refer year 3 students in universities.
tin1dei6tong4academic天地堂 (sky-ground lesson)Noun, Reg科好差, 搞到好多天地堂。(I did not plan my schedule well, so I have many sky-ground lesson.), "tin1dei6tong4"academic, timetable
Type:Noun, Reg科好差, 搞到好多天地堂。(I did not plan my schedule well, so I have many sky-ground lesson.), "tin1dei6tong4"
Subject:academic, timetable
Description:It is an adjective which describes there is long gap between lesson.
ziu1zong1association招莊 (recruiting exco)Verb, danso招莊啦 (Danso is recruiting exco.), "ziu1zong1"recruitment, association, committee
Type:Verb, danso招莊啦 (Danso is recruiting exco.), "ziu1zong1"
Subject:recruitment, association, committee
Description:It is the action of recruiting new executive committees for the upcoming academic year. Every cabinet usually would become a "zong1" for one academic year only. Every new academic year, the associations would recruit new members to form a new cabinet of committee of the association. [show more]
zip3lifestyle摺 (fold)Verb, 你唔好咁摺啦,多啲出黎玩啦。(Don't be an introvert, you should hang out and play with us!), "zip3"lifestyle, attitude, inactive
Type:Verb, 你唔好咁摺啦,多啲出黎玩啦。(Don't be an introvert, you should hang out and play with us!), "zip3"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, inactive
Description:This is to describe people who are inactive and introverts who hide themselves.
zip3zi3waa2academic摺智華 (staying in chi wah learning commons)Verb, sem尾要摺智華溫書啦。(We should stay in chi wah learning commons to study at the end of the semester.), "zip3zi3waa2"academic, learning attitude, active, passive, timetable, library, hardworking, lazy
Type:Verb, sem尾要摺智華溫書啦。(We should stay in chi wah learning commons to study at the end of the semester.), "zip3zi3waa2"
Subject:academic, learning attitude, active, passive, timetable, library, hardworking, lazy
Description:it is the action of staying in chi wah learning commons.
taat3pei4lifestyle撻皮 (Tappy)adjective, 唔好同佢Project一組,佢好撻皮。( Don't be same group with him when doing project, he used to be very tappy.) , "taat3 pei4"lifestyle, attitude, lazy, passive
Type:adjective, 唔好同佢Project一組,佢好撻皮。( Don't be same group with him when doing project, he used to be very tappy.) , "taat3 pei4"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, lazy, passive
Description:This is to describe people who are very slipshod and do things in a perfunctory way.
timetunnelplace時光隧道 (Time tunnel)Noun, 過咗10點千奇唔好行時光隧道啊。(Don't travel throught the time tunnel at 10pm), "si4gwong1seoi6dou6"tunnel, Haking Wong Building, Stephen Hui Geological Museum
Type:Noun, 過咗10點千奇唔好行時光隧道啊。(Don't travel throught the time tunnel at 10pm), "si4gwong1seoi6dou6"
Subject:tunnel, Haking Wong Building, Stephen Hui Geological Museum
Description:It refers to the indoor corridor which from Haking Wong Building to Stephen Hui Geological Museum, connecting other places at the East Gate of HKU. There are lockers and boards for clubs and societies on the two sides of the corridor.
fau4lifestyle浮 (Float) Adjective, 佢喺hall到好浮。(He actively participate in hall activities. ), "fau4"lifestyle, attitude, active
Type:Adjective, 佢喺hall到好浮。(He actively participate in hall activities. ), "fau4"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, active
Description:This is to describe people who are very active in activities.