Impactful Presentations (2019/20T2_DrSmyth_Apr7)
Coordinator: Dr. Philip Smyth
This workshop will focus on why it seems we cannot interest our audience and how we can avoid information overload in presentations. It will equip you with strategies on how to communicate efficiently and effectively while ensuring that you are passionate about your talk and the content remains worthwhile. Too much information and unstructured presentations can lead to confusion as the point you are attempting to make gets lost in PowerPoint texts and nervousness of the presenter. Consequently, by learning how to present your content concisely and logically, you will be successful in conveying your message to the audience with clarity and a lasting impact.
The workshop will take the form of:
- 2 hours of pre-workshop online videos and exercises to get participants familiarized with key elements of presentations;
- 2 hours of face-to-face time to review learning points and receive feedback for uploaded clips; and as needed,
- follow-up support via email and course discussion forums.
Workshop content
The workshop has 6 main parts:
Part I A) What makes a good presentation? B) Evaluate / diagnostic (students’ needs)
Part II Content / Organisation (audience awareness / info overload / logical sequencing)
Part III Making an Impact / Interaction with audience
Part IV Individual vs. Group presentations
Part V Voice/ visuals / Pronunciation (Stress/Intonation/Pauses)
Part VI Bringing it all together
Final task
You will get a chance to do a formal presentation and practice with other participants in a group setting. During the workshop where you will receive feedback from your peers and instructor to help you understand the areas you need to work on. You will get feedback with comments that will help you with future presentations.