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Online Learning for Speech and Hearing Sciences

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

This platform currently hosts locally-produced e-learning resources to support learning and teaching in the revised BSc Speech & Hearing Sciences (SHS).

Speech-language therapists in Hong Kong help to improve the quality of life of individuals with a communication and/or swallowing impairment (CSI). This means that students in our BSc program need to develop the knowledge and skills to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services in diverse settings. At present, most resources that underpin the SHS curriculum were developed elsewhere for English-speaking cultures. The use of these existing resources in our curriculum limits students’ ability to develop culturally appropriate professional skills, resulting in a gap between theory and practice.

This platform aims to provide HKU speech therapy students easy access to relevant locally-produced resources to help them translate theory to clinical practice in their learning about the therapeutic process, and the nature and characteristics of CSIs. We have made videos of individuals with a specific CSI engaging in conversation and in scripted or structured speech and language tasks in real clinical sessions. These individuals will come from different age groups, illustrating the different manifestations and impacts of the CSI across the life span.

The making of these videos would not have been possible without the support of our clients, their families, our clinical educators Ms. Cecilia Au and Ms. Angela Wong, as well as our speech-language therapist colleagues in the community, especially Ms. Sindy Lai and Ms. Grace Pang. We would also like to thank colleagues at the Teaching-Enriched Learning Initiative (TELI) for their expert technical advice and support. We thank them all.

We would also like to acknowledge funding support from a Teaching Development Grant from the HKU Teaching and Learning Quality Committee awarded to Dr. Anita Wong, Professor Stephanie Stokes, Dr. Chi-Un. Lei (TELI), Dr. Karen Chan, Prof. Sampo Law, Dr. Estella Ma, Dr. Lawrence Ng, Prof. Lena Wong and Dr. I-fan Su.

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