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chinese_bakery12Wedding Gift BoxesPhysical object Wedding cakes
Wedding etiquette
Type:Physical object
Subject:Wedding cakes
Wedding etiquette
Description:This is the old style wedding gift boxes in 1960s-1970s in Hong Kong. This wedding gift is given from the bridegroom the bride's family. There are different kinds of Chinese wedding cake inside.
building03Address Plaques Of Lin Heung Tea HousePhysical objectSigns and signboards
Type:Physical object
Subject:Signs and signboards
Description:The address plaques of Lin Heung Tea House made of plastic with red text and white background.
chinese_bakery09Lin Heung Bakery SignagePhysical object Signs and signboards
Type:Physical object
Subject:Signs and signboards
Description:The bakery is a part of Lin Heung Tea House. It is the signage of the bakery. The bakery provides Chinese Wedding Cakes, moon cakes, dumplings and New Year cakes etc. Experience the old-time tastes and feel the nostalgia.
The Signage Of Lin Heung Tea HousePhysical object
Signs and signboards
Type:Physical object
Subject:Signs and signboards
Description:The signage of Lin Heung Tea House is a neon sign which made by metal and long luminous gas-discharge tubes. This is one of the signage of Lin Heung Tea House which the text direction is right-to left.
building05The Signage Of Lin Heung Tea House At Night
Physical objectSigns and signboards
Type:Physical object
Subject:Signs and signboards
Description:The signage of Lin Heung Tea House light up at night.
interior_deco08CabinetPhysical object Interior decoration, Chinese
Type:Physical object
Subject:Interior decoration, Chinese
Description:The cabinet is made by wood. It is used to store the tea cup, tea leaf or tableware.
interior_deco02Decorative BirdcagesPhysical object Interior decoration, Chinese
Type:Physical object
Subject:Interior decoration, Chinese
Description:It is a cage designed to house birds. The birdcages are for decoration in Lin Heung Tea House as indoor is not allowed to have living birds. The birdcages are hanged on ceiling.
interior_deco06PlaquePhysical object Interior decoration, Chinese
Type:Physical object
Subject:Interior decoration, Chinese
Description:It is a plaque with idiom or wordings. It is put on the wall.
interior_deco03Signature Board Physical object Interior decoration, Chinese
Type:Physical object
Subject:Interior decoration, Chinese
Description:Customers or VIPs can sign or leave massages on the board. The board also include the commercial and menu of Lin Heung Tea House.
interior_deco01Telephone Booth BoardPhysical object Interior decoration, Chinese
Type:Physical object
Subject:Interior decoration, Chinese
Description:The board is to inform the consumers that there is a fixed line services inside Lin Heung Tea House. However, they are no longer provided the services.