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churlifestyleChur (緊迫)Adjective, 今個sem好多assignment,好chur。(There are a lot of assignments in this semester, I feel so stressed.) lifestyle, attitude, activities
Type:Adjective, 今個sem好多assignment,好chur。(There are a lot of assignments in this semester, I feel so stressed.)
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, activities
Description:This is to describe something or someone requires a lot of hard work and need to do quickly which will make you feel stressed.
fau4lifestyle浮 (Float) Adjective, 佢喺hall到好浮。(He actively participate in hall activities. ), "fau4"lifestyle, attitude, active
Type:Adjective, 佢喺hall到好浮。(He actively participate in hall activities. ), "fau4"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, active
Description:This is to describe people who are very active in activities.
cim4lifestyle潛 (Dive)Adjective, 佢成日都唔參加活動,好潛 。(He seldom participate in activities, he is very inactive.) , "cim4"lifestyle, attitude, inactive
Type:Adjective, 佢成日都唔參加活動,好潛 。(He seldom participate in activities, he is very inactive.) , "cim4"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, inactive
Description:This is to describe a people who is very inactive and be absent in activities.
taat3pei4lifestyle撻皮 (Tappy)adjective, 唔好同佢Project一組,佢好撻皮。( Don't be same group with him when doing project, he used to be very tappy.) , "taat3 pei4"lifestyle, attitude, lazy, passive
Type:adjective, 唔好同佢Project一組,佢好撻皮。( Don't be same group with him when doing project, he used to be very tappy.) , "taat3 pei4"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, lazy, passive
Description:This is to describe people who are very slipshod and do things in a perfunctory way.
cymcanplaceCYM can (莊月明文娛中心飯堂)Noun, CYM can 係最好食。(The food is the best in CYM canteen.)canteen, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre
Type:Noun, CYM can 係最好食。(The food is the best in CYM canteen.)
Subject:canteen, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre
Description:It refers to the Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant located at the 4/F of Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre.
FGcharacterFG (Fresh graduate)Noun, I am a fresh graduate who want to find a high-paying job., "fresh graduate "character, graduate, undergraduate, students
Type:Noun, I am a fresh graduate who want to find a high-paying job., "fresh graduate "
Subject:character, graduate, undergraduate, students
Description:It is a noun which refers to a person who has successfully completed the course of undergraduate study or the first academic degree.
zou2baa1zou2maa1character組爸組媽 (group father, group mother)Noun, ocamp識左兩個好好既組爸組媽。(I have two very good group father and group mother.), "zou2baa1zou2maa1"character, orientation camp, orientation series, universities, freshman
Type:Noun, ocamp識左兩個好好既組爸組媽。(I have two very good group father and group mother.), "zou2baa1zou2maa1"
Subject:character, orientation camp, orientation series, universities, freshman
Description:It is a noun to describe the group leader of a group in a camp, for example, orientation camp. In most of the cases, the group leaders are usually students of year 2 or above, instead of newcomers.
tin1dei6tong4academic天地堂 (sky-ground lesson)Noun, Reg科好差, 搞到好多天地堂。(I did not plan my schedule well, so I have many sky-ground lesson.), "tin1dei6tong4"academic, timetable
Type:Noun, Reg科好差, 搞到好多天地堂。(I did not plan my schedule well, so I have many sky-ground lesson.), "tin1dei6tong4"
Subject:academic, timetable
Description:It is an adjective which describes there is long gap between lesson.
swirecanplaceSwire can (方樹泉文娛中心餐廳)Noun, Swire can啲飯都唔錯嘅。(The food in Swire Canteen is quite good.)canteen, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre
Type:Noun, Swire can啲飯都唔錯嘅。(The food in Swire Canteen is quite good.)
Subject:canteen, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre
Description:It refers to the Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant located at the 2/F of Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre.
FMcharacterFM (Freshman)Noun, 今年好多FM參加o camp。(Many Freshmen join the orientation camp this year.), "FM"character, universities, students, newcomers
Type:Noun, 今年好多FM參加o camp。(Many Freshmen join the orientation camp this year.), "FM"
Subject:character, universities, students, newcomers
Description:It is a noun which refers to a first year student at university.