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lou5gwai2character老鬼 (graduated student)Noun, 今日有老鬼翻來。(Few graduated students will come back today.), "lou5gwai2" character, students, graduates
Type:Noun, 今日有老鬼翻來。(Few graduated students will come back today.), "lou5gwai2"
Subject: character, students, graduates
Description:It is a noun which refers to a graduated student.
zip3zi3waa2academic摺智華 (staying in chi wah learning commons)Verb, sem尾要摺智華溫書啦。(We should stay in chi wah learning commons to study at the end of the semester.), "zip3zi3waa2"academic, learning attitude, active, passive, timetable, library, hardworking, lazy
Type:Verb, sem尾要摺智華溫書啦。(We should stay in chi wah learning commons to study at the end of the semester.), "zip3zi3waa2"
Subject:academic, learning attitude, active, passive, timetable, library, hardworking, lazy
Description:it is the action of staying in chi wah learning commons.
luk1gwo3academic碌過 (barely pass)Verb, 我好彩先碌過exam咋。( i just lucky to barely pass the exam.), "luk1gwo3"academic, pass, learning attitude, passive, result
Type:Verb, 我好彩先碌過exam咋。( i just lucky to barely pass the exam.), "luk1gwo3"
Subject:academic, pass, learning attitude, passive, result
Description:it is the action which something is achieved by luck rather than skill. In academic context, it means barely pass by luck.
teoi4gwo3academic頹過 (decadent pass)Verb, 唉! 呢個sem頹過算數。(Sigh! I am just leting my exam has a decadent pass.), "teoi4gwo3"academic, pass, learning attitude, passive, result
Type:Verb, 唉! 呢個sem頹過算數。(Sigh! I am just leting my exam has a decadent pass.), "teoi4gwo3"
Subject:academic, pass, learning attitude, passive, result
Description:It is the action which lilttle effort is put. In academic context, it refers to getting GPA of 2-2.9.
ngaau1so1si2academicr梳史 (begging for sources)Verb, 我要搵師兄r梳史。( I need to find my senior begging for resources.), "ngaau1so1si2"academic, pass, learning materials
Type:Verb, 我要搵師兄r梳史。( I need to find my senior begging for resources.), "ngaau1so1si2"
Subject:academic, pass, learning materials
Description:It is the action of begging for sources and learning materials from other students, usually senior student.
GPAacademicGPA (成績平均績點)Noun, 我呢個sem GPA好低呀。( My GPA is low this semester.), "GPA"academic, pass, result
Type:Noun, 我呢個sem GPA好低呀。( My GPA is low this semester.), "GPA"
Subject:academic, pass, result
Description:It is the abbreviation of Grade Point Average. It is an average number by calculating the result of different courses in the semester. It has a scale from 0-4.3 which act as the standard of students' academic performace.
ging6gwo3academic勁過 (superpass)Verb, 祝你呢個sem勁過。(Wish you superpass this semester.), "ging6gwo3"academic, pass, superpass, learning attitude, active, hardworking, result
Type:Verb, 祝你呢個sem勁過。(Wish you superpass this semester.), "ging6gwo3"
Subject:academic, pass, superpass, learning attitude, active, hardworking, result
Description:It is the action of completing a thing excellently. In academic context, it means getting an excellent grade.
gwo3saam1baau3sei3academic過三爆四 (pass 3 exceed 4)Verb, 我嘅目標係過三爆四。(My goal is pass three exceed four.), "gwo3saam1baau3sei3"academic, pass, superpass, learning attitude, active, hardworking, result
Type:Verb, 我嘅目標係過三爆四。(My goal is pass three exceed four.), "gwo3saam1baau3sei3"
Subject:academic, pass, superpass, learning attitude, active, hardworking, result
Description:It is an adjective which describes the gpa is higher than 3 and reaching 4 or above.
tin1dei6tong4academic天地堂 (sky-ground lesson)Noun, Reg科好差, 搞到好多天地堂。(I did not plan my schedule well, so I have many sky-ground lesson.), "tin1dei6tong4"academic, timetable
Type:Noun, Reg科好差, 搞到好多天地堂。(I did not plan my schedule well, so I have many sky-ground lesson.), "tin1dei6tong4"
Subject:academic, timetable
Description:It is an adjective which describes there is long gap between lesson.
zong1association莊 (association committee)Noun, 呢支莊好champ。 (This cabinet of exco is very champ.), "zong1"association
Type:Noun, 呢支莊好champ。 (This cabinet of exco is very champ.), "zong1"
Description:It is the committee of an association, faculty, society or club. We call the committe a "zong1"