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bjlifestyleBJ (搏盡)Verb, 佢讀書好BJ。(She works very hard in studying.), "BJ"lifestyle, attitude, hardworking
Type:Verb, 佢讀書好BJ。(She works very hard in studying.), "BJ"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, hardworking
Description:This is to describe an attitude of people who use his uttermost effort to do something, for example, in studying, in participating activities.
centenplaceCenten (香港大學百週年校園)Noun, 我日日都喺Centen上堂。(I have lessons in Centennial Campus everyday.)campus, HKU Centennial Campus
Type:Noun, 我日日都喺Centen上堂。(I have lessons in Centennial Campus everyday.)
Subject:campus, HKU Centennial Campus
Description:It refers to the HKU Centennial Campus. The site was previously occupied by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) and now offers students and staff in HKU a dramatically enhanced environment to help fulfil the University's ambition to be among the very best in the world. [show more]
churlifestyleChur (緊迫)Adjective, 今個sem好多assignment,好chur。(There are a lot of assignments in this semester, I feel so stressed.) lifestyle, attitude, activities
Type:Adjective, 今個sem好多assignment,好chur。(There are a lot of assignments in this semester, I feel so stressed.)
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, activities
Description:This is to describe something or someone requires a lot of hard work and need to do quickly which will make you feel stressed.
cim4lifestyle潛 (Dive)Adjective, 佢成日都唔參加活動,好潛 。(He seldom participate in activities, he is very inactive.) , "cim4"lifestyle, attitude, inactive
Type:Adjective, 佢成日都唔參加活動,好潛 。(He seldom participate in activities, he is very inactive.) , "cim4"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, inactive
Description:This is to describe a people who is very inactive and be absent in activities.
CurrentcharacterCurrent (current student)Noun, 今日current搞左個活動。(Some current students organised an event today.), "Current"character, universities, students
Type:Noun, 今日current搞左個活動。(Some current students organised an event today.), "Current"
Subject:character, universities, students
Description:It is a noun that refers to a student who is year2 or above.
cymcanplaceCYM can (莊月明文娛中心飯堂)Noun, CYM can 係最好食。(The food is the best in CYM canteen.)canteen, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre
Type:Noun, CYM can 係最好食。(The food is the best in CYM canteen.)
Subject:canteen, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre
Description:It refers to the Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant located at the 4/F of Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre.
daai6sin1character大仙 (big senior)Noun, 我今年同個大仙同一間房。(I am living with a big senior this year.), "daai6sin1"character, universities, students, senior
Type:Noun, 我今年同個大仙同一間房。(I am living with a big senior this year.), "daai6sin1"
Subject:character, universities, students, senior
Description:It is a noun which refer year 3 students in universities.
fau4lifestyle浮 (Float) Adjective, 佢喺hall到好浮。(He actively participate in hall activities. ), "fau4"lifestyle, attitude, active
Type:Adjective, 佢喺hall到好浮。(He actively participate in hall activities. ), "fau4"
Subject:lifestyle, attitude, active
Description:This is to describe people who are very active in activities.
FGcharacterFG (Fresh graduate)Noun, I am a fresh graduate who want to find a high-paying job., "fresh graduate "character, graduate, undergraduate, students
Type:Noun, I am a fresh graduate who want to find a high-paying job., "fresh graduate "
Subject:character, graduate, undergraduate, students
Description:It is a noun which refers to a person who has successfully completed the course of undergraduate study or the first academic degree.
FMcharacterFM (Freshman)Noun, 今年好多FM參加o camp。(Many Freshmen join the orientation camp this year.), "FM"character, universities, students, newcomers
Type:Noun, 今年好多FM參加o camp。(Many Freshmen join the orientation camp this year.), "FM"
Subject:character, universities, students, newcomers
Description:It is a noun which refers to a first year student at university.