This website is about university slang in the University of Hong Kong. 


HKU slang is the oral tradition passing on by the HKU graduates to current students. HKU students usually use this kind of informal register in HKU and their daily life. This is an intangible cultural heritage which encompasses different values, for instance, commemorative value, social value and symbolic value.



Slang is a material part of HKU culture and slang is the collective memory of HKU students which is inherited year by year. Not only does slangs serve as a symbol and icon of the distinctive HKU culture, but also deepen HKU students' attachment and enhance sense of identity towards HKU.

The university slang is closely related to the daily life of HKU students. Appealing and interesting, this kind of oral tradition is worthwhile to be preserved and promoted to the public.

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Swire can (方樹泉文娛中心餐廳)

Swire can.jpg

It refers to the Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre Restaurant located at the 2/F of Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre.

SU can (香港大學學生會餐廳)


It refers to the Union Restaurant located at the 4/F of Haking Wong Building.

CYM can (莊月明文娛中心飯堂)


It refers to the Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant located at the 4/F of Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre.