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l_stuffEvery PandiculatePhysical Objectobjects; clothes; tv; video; daily life; ordinary; photographs
Type:Physical Object
Subject:objects; clothes; tv; video; daily life; ordinary; photographs
Description:An installation with cupboards and shelves, with clothes and photographs, as well as other miscellaneous objects, belonging to people whom the artist interviewed
vp_f_hall_1931F HallLocationjail; prison; building; block;fingerprinting office; reception office
Subject:jail; prison; building; block;fingerprinting office; reception office
Description:F Hall was built in 1931. After 1956, it changed from weaving and printing shop to Reception and Fingerprinting office. Prisoners had to comfim identities here. Prisoners who were remand in custody, would be settled in the large associatied cells. Visitation booths were also setted up in F Hall.  [show more]
vp_fingerprint_1969Finger PrintPhysical Objectjail; prison; jail reception; fingerprinting; confirm identity
Type:Physical Object
Subject:jail; prison; jail reception; fingerprinting; confirm identity
Description:Administration used fingerprinting to confirm and recoed prisoners' identities. Prisoners had to cover their hands with ink and placed on the copper part one by one. After all the fingers are finished printing, the copy of the fingerprint wil be handed to police. [show more]
l_ffFlower FrogPhysical ObjectCottage industry; metal; plaster; circle; arrangement;
Type:Physical Object
Subject:Cottage industry; metal; plaster; circle; arrangement;
Description:A representation of a flower frog, to pay tribute to those made by the father of Au Pui Lin, who was part of the overall exhibition.
l_holeHolePhysical Objecthole; wall; movie; peep;
Type:Physical Object
Subject:hole; wall; movie; peep;
Description:A hole in the wall outside the mini theater where film screenings are conducted, for visitors to peer into and take a glimpse
cn_imirrorI MirrorVideoSL: Avater China Tracy; Tai Kwun; Wan Chai; JC Contemporary
Subject:SL: Avater China Tracy; Tai Kwun; Wan Chai; JC Contemporary
Description:This is a video lasted for 28 minutes. It shows the life of Second Worls, a social platform. This aims at inspiring people to think about the relationship between virtual world and reality.
vp_b_hall_jailcell_1910Jail Cell In B hallLocationjail; cell; prison; criminal
Subject:jail; cell; prison; criminal
Description:This is one of the jail cells in Victoria Prison's B Block. The cells in the prison did not have built in flush toilet systems, and were equipped with only a bed and a bench.
l_prisonfoodJail DietMeal Planfood; diet; jail;
Type:Meal Plan
Subject:food; diet; jail;
Description:The diet prisoners were given when in Jail. In the late 19th century, an ordinance even outlined specific items that should be included in the diet for a sick prisoner
vp_showerJail ShowerPhysical Objectjail; prison; prisoners' daily supplies
Type:Physical Object
Subject:jail; prison; prisoners' daily supplies
Description:To prevent the spread of diseases, prisoners had to keep the prison clean and maintain healthy condition. In F Hall, shower room is provided with showers. 
vp_jail_toiletriesJail ToiletriesPhysical Objectjail towel; jail cup; prison; prisoners' daily supplies
Type:Physical Object
Subject:jail towel; jail cup; prison; prisoners' daily supplies
Description:To prevent the spread of diseases, prisoners had to keep the prison clean and maintain healthy condition. Each prisoners will be given a set of toiletries, including cup, toothbrush and comb etc.