Peak Tram Models

Dublin Core


Peak Tram Models


Peak Tram
Land Transport


This is a collection of historical models of Peak Tram.


CCCH9051 Group16


Peak Tram
Peak Tram Routes





Date Created


Collection Items

Peak Tram (1888)
The Peak Tram was opened for public service on 28 May 1888 by the then governor Sir George William des Voeux. As built, the line used a static steam engine to power the haulage cable. It was at first used only for residents of Victoria Peak. Despite…

Peak Tram (1926)
In 1926, the steam engine was replaced by an electric motor. On 11 December 1941, during the Battle of Hong Kong, the engine room was damaged in an attack. Services were not resumed until 25 December 1945, after the end of the Japanese occupation of…

Peak Tram (1989)
The peak tram system was comprehensively rebuilt in 1989 by the Swiss company, Von Roll, with a new track, a computerized control system, and two new two-car trams with a capacity of 120 passengers per tram. By the time of the handover in 1997, the…

Peak Tram (1959)
In 1956, the Peak Tram was equipped with a new generation of lightweight metal-bodied cars, each of which seated 62 passengers. Unusually for a funicular line, three such cars were provided, only two of which were in use at any one time. The third…
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Collection Tree

  • Peak Tram Models