Kazakh Traditional Wedding
Dublin Core
Kazakh Traditional Wedding
Traditional events
The wedding event in kazakh traditions.
Tatti Shai
Kyz Uzatu
Uilenu Toy
Traditional Activities Item Type Metadata
1st step: Tatti Shai (Sweet tea)
The parents of both sides meet each other after the couple involved finalise their decision to get married. The boy side parents should ask the girl side parents to share a cup of tea and discuss all the concerns of the coming wedding. The table should be full of different sweets including Chak Chak and others. A popular superstition tells that if the table is covered with sweet food, the couple shall lead a 'sweet life' together.
2nd step: Kudalik of the Female side
The parents of the female call the closest relatives from the Male side to their house. They are trying to introduce the closest relatives of the Female. They should show the respect to the Male side by cooking a lot of food and singing songs or dancing, whereas the male side should bring a lot of presents to each of the Female’s close relatives.
3rd step: Kyz Uzatu (The girl’s wedding)
The female side is creating this event by calling all the friends and relatives to lead the bride to her new family. There should be only the closest relatives of the Male taking the bride to their home. In the beginning of the event, everyone is having different Kazakh national foods, signing songs, dancing, wishing the bride all the best. After that, bride family should stay in the center with bride herself, whereas the Male side should stay next to the exit. The bride moves to her new family towards the exit and is not allowed to look back. Finally, the groom’s family brings the bride to their home.
4th step: Uilenu Toi (The groom’s wedding).
This is an event where all the relatives and friends of groom’s family come and greet the bride. It is pretty similar to the regular wedding.
5th step: Kudalik of the Groom’s side.
The groom’s family is inviting the family of the bride to show the house where she will live now (groom’s parents’ house).
2nd step: Kudalik of the Female side
The parents of the female call the closest relatives from the Male side to their house. They are trying to introduce the closest relatives of the Female. They should show the respect to the Male side by cooking a lot of food and singing songs or dancing, whereas the male side should bring a lot of presents to each of the Female’s close relatives.
3rd step: Kyz Uzatu (The girl’s wedding)
The female side is creating this event by calling all the friends and relatives to lead the bride to her new family. There should be only the closest relatives of the Male taking the bride to their home. In the beginning of the event, everyone is having different Kazakh national foods, signing songs, dancing, wishing the bride all the best. After that, bride family should stay in the center with bride herself, whereas the Male side should stay next to the exit. The bride moves to her new family towards the exit and is not allowed to look back. Finally, the groom’s family brings the bride to their home.
4th step: Uilenu Toi (The groom’s wedding).
This is an event where all the relatives and friends of groom’s family come and greet the bride. It is pretty similar to the regular wedding.
5th step: Kudalik of the Groom’s side.
The groom’s family is inviting the family of the bride to show the house where she will live now (groom’s parents’ house).
All the traditional food
- Saukele
- Koilek
“Kazakh Traditional Wedding,” CCCH9051 Group 12, accessed March 9, 2025, https://learning.hku.hk/ccch9051/group-12/items/show/22.